Nach “METROPOLIS, BERLIN”, dem mit dem Deutschen Fotobuchpreis in Silber ausgezeichneten Schwarzweißband über die deutsche Hauptstadt („Mit diesem Buch lernt man Berlin neu kennen“, FAZ)…
Schlagwort: nyc
About Tria Giovan’s photo book „Loisaida“
Tria Giovan is now an acclaimed New York photographer specializing in photographing interiors, travel, food and people, her images have been featured in travel, architecture, interior design, fashion magazines etc. She was born in Chicago but grew up in the Virgin Islands. It was 1984 when Tria Giovan landed in New York and found an apartment on the Lower East Side, in a tenement building on Clinton Street.
An ode to the life at top: The photobook TAR BEACH by SUSAN MEISELAS
GERMAN VERSION BELOW When I was in New York for an extended period in 2014, a New York artist, Juliana Lazzaro, invited me to a…